velomont: Killington to Stowe on Singletrack
Over a century ago, Vermont visionary James P Taylor, perhaps inspired by John Muir, had an epiphany in the forest of the Green Mountains. He would spearhead a long distance trail across Vermont to "awaken the people of Vermont to the neglected beauties of their mountains." And " make the Vermont mountains play a larger part in the life of the people."
He would go on to found the Green Mountain Club, build the Long Trail (digging at an impressive mile a day with hand tools (!)), and inspire the construction of the Appalachian Trail.
Vermont has always been fertile ground for iconoclasts who lead the way. We have the opportunity to repeat history, this time with mountain bikes, building awesome state long singletrack linking some of the best trail systems in New England. Fund it, and it will happen! (choose Velomont as an "add-on.")
He would go on to found the Green Mountain Club, build the Long Trail (digging at an impressive mile a day with hand tools (!)), and inspire the construction of the Appalachian Trail.
Vermont has always been fertile ground for iconoclasts who lead the way. We have the opportunity to repeat history, this time with mountain bikes, building awesome state long singletrack linking some of the best trail systems in New England. Fund it, and it will happen! (choose Velomont as an "add-on.")