Myths and Legends
For indigenous cultures trails mainly functioned as a way to connect nodes of vital societal importance as well as, before written language, mnemonic pegs for their myths and legends. With not much planning and just the barest wisp of intention, the organic growth of the GMT over the last decade has proceeded in a similar fashion.
The trails, in addition to being destinations in themselves, connect places: imbued with story; of appropriate risk, challenge and adventure; with prodigious views; of clean water; of spiritual connection; in which you can linger and talk with strangers; for quiet, solitary contemplation; to experience a large array of flora and fauna; to dance around the fire; to stay; to feel enchantment and awe; to tell stories; to break bread; to bond with the wild and friends; to do absolutely nothing; to experience rites of passage; to rest; to play; to breathe; to create; for stewardship; to restore physical and mental health; to let go of suffering; to transcend fears; to be free from marketing and manipulation, politics and bureaucracy; to be free from cars, asphalt, concrete and screens (if you choose); to be free from complexity and information overload; to be free, period.
The trails, in addition to being destinations in themselves, connect places: imbued with story; of appropriate risk, challenge and adventure; with prodigious views; of clean water; of spiritual connection; in which you can linger and talk with strangers; for quiet, solitary contemplation; to experience a large array of flora and fauna; to dance around the fire; to stay; to feel enchantment and awe; to tell stories; to break bread; to bond with the wild and friends; to do absolutely nothing; to experience rites of passage; to rest; to play; to breathe; to create; for stewardship; to restore physical and mental health; to let go of suffering; to transcend fears; to be free from marketing and manipulation, politics and bureaucracy; to be free from cars, asphalt, concrete and screens (if you choose); to be free from complexity and information overload; to be free, period.